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The Latest Features Found in a Commercial Fire Alarm System

Two firefighters streaming water from a firehose towards a large fire.

Protect Your Staff and Property with Early Detection & Rapid Response

At Just-N-Case Security, we’ve protected homes and businesses in the Mid-South for over 20 years with state-of-the-art security and fire alarm systems. These proactive solutions keep local businesses, their assets, and employees safe in Memphis, TN.

Fortunately, fires erupting in business facilities are rare. Unfortunately, once they ignite, their spread is quick and deadly. In Tennessee, 96 civilian fire fatalities occurred in 2022, according to the TN Department of Commerce & Insurance.

The good news is that there is a way to prevent injuries, deaths, and property damage. An early-warning commercial fire alarm system detects a wisp of smoke before it becomes a flame. Let's explore these proactive systems and how they protect businesses.

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Early Detection

Every second counts when a fire is set to break out. The key to early detection is the latest smoke, heat, and CO detectors. Today’s photoelectric sensors detect smoke particles as they cross beams of light and are particularly effective for smoldering fires. Heat detectors respond to rapid increases in temperature, and ionization smoke detectors respond to fast-burning fires. Beam smoke detectors are ideal for large open areas with high ceilings.

These sensors connect to a fire alarm control panel, which then triggers alarms and can initiate access control, sprinklers, and light management, enabling personnel to evacuate quickly and emergency first responders to enter. Our certified technicians will perform an analysis and suggest the best solutions for your business. 

Comprehensive Notification

By linking your fire alarm system to a commercial intercom, you ensure mass notification of all your staff. This provides the means for a safe and orderly evacuation instead of mass chaos when the only sound they hear is a blaring fire alarm. These direct everyone on how to exit safely and send an alert to the monitoring station or first responders.

Rapid Response

We can direct any alarms to an off-site 24-hour monitoring facility staffed with professionals who can quickly notify the fire department in the event of a real emergency. These operators are well-versed in determining the difference between an emergency and a false alarm, ensuring a quick response while saving emergency personnel from unwarranted responses. In Memphis, you get one free false alarm. After that, you are charged a fine plus the cost-of-service fee.


Our technicians ensure you meet all yearly inspection requirements and help keep your business up-to-date on any significant changes in technology or fire codes. Our certified technicians will ensure compliance and that the signal from your detectors reach the monitoring station.

At Just-N-Case Security, we provide the latest security and commercial fire alarm systems that offer the highest protection and are easy to use and implement. To learn more about the many options or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Just-N-Case Security today. 

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